I Work in Hell!!  

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The daily description of my life in hell (otherwise known as the Wann Langston Memorial Library). Pretty much.
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   Thursday, May 02, 2002
Dan calls "La Baguette" "La Bageet". You heard me - bag. geet. Oh lordy. How can he not know that? It's not like Baguette is an uncommon french word - it's fucking bread and we use it all the time.

Bag. geet - no thanks I've got some phleem.

   Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Sometimes. Dr. Pedulla asks me how I'm doing. Now, besides hating that formality and never returning the question I am also slightly distrubed by the concerned look on his face. I want to be all "Look, I'm hungover. I woke up 20 minutes late, it's 8:30 in the morning and I'm in hell what do you expect." but intead I usually say "Oh, pretty good."

If you ask me "pretty good" is acceptable. It's more than acceptable it's nice. Pretty good is, well, pretty good. It's an automatic response to an automatic question and yet, some how "pretty good" isn't good enough for our dear Catholic Sex-hating doctor. He leans over the desk (that's right) looking just oh so Catholic, sex-hating and concerned. "Just...pretty good?"

What the fuck is this? Psych hour? I'm all "Well, heh heh you know it's only tuesday." Which appeases him cause he backs off but still looks concerned. He should leave me alone and go conceive another child while hating himself for having sex.