I Work in Hell!!  

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The daily description of my life in hell (otherwise known as the Wann Langston Memorial Library). Pretty much.
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   Thursday, May 02, 2002
Dan calls "La Baguette" "La Bageet". You heard me - bag. geet. Oh lordy. How can he not know that? It's not like Baguette is an uncommon french word - it's fucking bread and we use it all the time.

Bag. geet - no thanks I've got some phleem.

   Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Sometimes. Dr. Pedulla asks me how I'm doing. Now, besides hating that formality and never returning the question I am also slightly distrubed by the concerned look on his face. I want to be all "Look, I'm hungover. I woke up 20 minutes late, it's 8:30 in the morning and I'm in hell what do you expect." but intead I usually say "Oh, pretty good."

If you ask me "pretty good" is acceptable. It's more than acceptable it's nice. Pretty good is, well, pretty good. It's an automatic response to an automatic question and yet, some how "pretty good" isn't good enough for our dear Catholic Sex-hating doctor. He leans over the desk (that's right) looking just oh so Catholic, sex-hating and concerned. "Just...pretty good?"

What the fuck is this? Psych hour? I'm all "Well, heh heh you know it's only tuesday." Which appeases him cause he backs off but still looks concerned. He should leave me alone and go conceive another child while hating himself for having sex.

   Friday, April 26, 2002
Sha sha sha! I am a posting fiend today. That's because it's friday - CH-eryl is gone and I'm refuting actual work. Well, I'm posting cause I read this article online and if I weren't a computer moron I would post a link or something but whatever I'm rambling -

The article talked about why online journals suck. And you know what? This guy really just sounded more pissed off that his journal was one of the first to go up and now there are hundreds and people don't take it seriously and blah blah blah blah. Shut up. He had a list of "Stereotypical Journals" and I could understand. I mean, I do see a lot of depressive's journals and such but this guy had only one good catagory "Well Written Journal". Oh that's specific. He obviously thought of himself as this true writer. You post on a goddamn weblog get over yourself. And in real life, who knows? Maybe he's got the best novel ever under his bed. Anyway, he lists all these things you should do to make a good journal and really it just sounded like you only need one which was BE HIM. At the end of this long annoying repetitive essay was a link to his journal and you know what? That's right. It sucked. I wish I could put a link to it but I suck.

A strange enigma has entered the library. It is a ball of I'm Truly Interested in Everbody energy in the form of a girl. Now, don't get me wrong I do enjoy talking about myself but her earnest questions kind of creep me out. And I'm not the only one. Everyone who walks in is treated to questions like "What do you do?" "Where did you go to school?" "What are your life plans?"

What is with that? Maybe she popped into the world when everyone's not-caring became it's own force and she was created to offset it. I just don't know. What I do know is that her husband also likes books and for some reason he got them insured.

Insured people. His. Fucking. books. I mean, yes, you can get attached and if you're holding the first signed edition of The Sun Also Rises you may want to get that shit insured. But Micheal Crighton's Congo? So anyway that point of this ramble is that I will continue to go on not-caring about the lives of others and try to avoid the girl who is truly, interested in everybody.

Number of times I cut myself at work yesterday: 4

Number of times I cut myself at home: 1

Number of things I cut myself on: 5

The things: a book cover, paper, tape dispener, pen, my dog

What all this means - that remains to be seen....

   Thursday, April 25, 2002
Not really a lot happening. Dan's annoying and CH-eryl is gone and the library is stupid so it's all normal. Dan did try and hold a grunting conversation with me with food in his mouth. I puked and that was the end of it. I'm still working on trying to get a comment section up here. Someday chilluns someday.

   Monday, April 22, 2002
The point of a hospital cafeteria, as I see it, is to serve quick tasteless food as quickly as possible. It's not for having "deals" or "meal combos" cause you've got employees in a rush without a lot of cash. They've taken the sandwich bar away and thus ended my life. But today, they are making grilled chicken sandwiches. Perfect.

I go over and tell the woman I just want a sandwich but I have no need or money for salt chips and water coke. She says she can't do that. I'm all "what do you mean you can't do that? It's actually easier then giving me the stuff" She's all "It's a meal deal". Whhhaaaaatt? A meal deal? Am I at mcdonald's? You know what? At McDonald's they let you just have a sandwich. So then I find a manager and she tells me that I can just have a sandwich but have to pay the whole meal deal price.

By this point I'm pissed off enough to try something brave. Some bold statement - I think about just getting a sandwich, throwing two bucks on the counter and taking off. In the end though, I eat some graham crackers and glare a lot.

   Thursday, April 18, 2002
Heh. Dan is talking to some person on the phone about someone's "weight problem". Heh. Irony.

You know how you get so angry, things blur and you have to pull your fingers into your palm to keep from striking dan but then that hurts cause your palms are all cut up from doing this yesterday and the other day? No, well that's probably because you don't work in hell with Satan himself. That's right. Satan. Dan has moved from mild demon beastie to the good ol lord of fucking darkness himself.

And today I saw flecks of anger blowing out of my eye sockets. It was painful and violent. It would be such a good thing to cut his head off. I mean, would anyone mind? They would probably even throw the case out of court.

I have a simple job to do. I get article for people. If we have the articles here - I copy them. If we don't - I interlibrary loan them. I do this day in and day out. Dan does searches and orders books. When I get a search request - I hand it over to dan, or rather, put in his box to avoid conversation. Today someone gives Dan article for me to find. What does he do? Stand there, at my desk with my job in his hand looking through them and saying things like "oh we have this journal" or "this one's a book" Hey, Dan don't you think by now I know all the names of our forty journal titles? Don't you think I know what the difference between a book and a journal is??? Don't you realize how pathetic your wobbly little life is that you have to rifel through someone else work for a good time!!!!

I hate to be repetitive but a knife in the gullet would be so satisfying.

   Wednesday, April 17, 2002
Well, this is just wonderful. New parking permits. So we can be regulated even more than we already are. My parking permit is the color blue. So I look at the map which is all covered in the boring colors people use to code things - the green, the red, the purple. But there isn't any blue. I look again. The green. Yup. The red. Ok. The purple. Hey, orange! Didn't notice that before maybe it's cause it's close to the hospital and lord knows I wasn't looking there to park. Then I notice at the bottom of the map:

For blue parking - see reverse.

What?!? My parking isn't even on the original map!! Where the hell do I park - Mustang? Flipping it over I find that I don't park in mustang but 39th and Tulsa which might was well be Mustang for all the parking I'm going to do there. And to make things worse Dan is standing over me laughing like a girl. (Why does he do that? I swear I don't think I know a single woman who can laugh that high). I have to curl my nails back into my palm to keep from ripping his cheek open. Laugh out of that hole Dan you twat.

The good news about the parking is that I thought ahead - when we filled out our applications for the permits I told them I had a red 1995 Taurus. Four door. Very nice. Way to think Sades. Thank you. I'll be damned if I park anywhere I can't easily flee to.